The story visible through the hole.
Peephole Art Tsuyazaki is a town-based art project where you can read, view, imagine, and enjoy the creative expression of various artists and authors who have connected with each other surrounding the theme of peepholes, and more….

Peephole Art Tsuyazaki exhibition
Date: October 6th to November 24th, 2024
Place: Around Tsuyazaki Sengen, Fukutsu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Time: 11AM to 4PM
We finally have a base now!
●Peephole ART Base (Start from here!)●
4-16-5, Tsuyazaki, Fukutsu-city, Fukuoka-prefecture, Japan→ Google Map
11AM – 4PM closed Thursdays
Get a Tour kit for ¥1,000, and you are on your way!
🅿️ the closest Parking:Namiori Shrine(You really want to give your prayer here) → Google Map
When they have things like festivals, you might want to use the second parking.
🅿️ Second Parking :Tsuyazaki sengen Nagomi → Google Map
You could also purchase the Tour Kit at other places
●Tsuyazaki Sengen Akebono (across from Ai no Ie)
Address: 4-16-21 Tsuyazaki, Fukutsu City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Business hours 10: 00~16: 00
Opens everyday during the exhibition period → Google Map
● Nekoru Hyakkaten Cafe
Address: Inside Kosyouji, 4-34-1 Tsuyazaki, Fukutsu City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Business hours 11:00~17:00
Closed Thursdays → Google Map
● Tsuyazaki Senken Nagomi
Address: 3-17-3 Tsuyazaki, Fukutsu City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Business hours 9: 00~17: 00 Closed on the 2nd & the 4th Tuesdays → Google Map
Tsuyazaki Sengen Nagomi
Address: 3-17-3 Tsuyazaki, Fukutsu City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Business hours 9: 00~17: 00

Peephole Art Tsuyazaki exhibition
Date: October 6th to November 24th, 2024
Place: Around Tsuyazaki Sengen, Fukutsu City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Time: 10AM to 4PM
Please come to one of the following three places where you can purchase the map (tour set 800 yen) that tells you the location of the peepholes are.
●Tsuyazaki Sengen Akebono (across from Ai no Ie)
Address: 4-16-21 Tsuyazaki, Fukutsu City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Business hours 10: 00~16: 00
Opens everyday during the exhibition period →
● Nekoru Hyakkaten Cafe
Address: Inside Kosyouji, 4-34-1 Tsuyazaki, Fukutsu City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Business hours 11:00~17:00
Closed Thursdays →
● Tsuyazaki Sengen Nagomi
Address: 3-17-3 Tsuyazaki, Fukutsu City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Business hours 9: 00~17: 00 Closed on the 2nd & the 4th Tuesdays →
Tsuyazaki Sengen Nagomi
Address: 3-17-3 Tsuyazaki, Fukutsu City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Business hours 9: 00~17: 00

Peephole Art Tsuyazaki is a town-based art project in which art is installed where it is visible through various (already naturally existing) holes in the walls of the small back alleys of the town of Tsuyazaki, including places such as wooden caves, and the art is only revealed by peeping into the hole.

Our aim is to provide the townspeople with a daily life where they can enjoy art casually. You don’t have to say anything intellectual, cultural or philosophical when you see Peephole Art. Nothing special is required of you to enjoy it. We have combined our mischief and creativity with the amazing device called a “peephole”, and we hope that those experiencing our artwork and stories will feel closer to art and move towards eventually letting their daily life become art itself.

Holes often become the entrance to the real and fantasy worlds. In “Osutsutororin” and “My Neighbor Totoro”, the fantasy world is entered through the hole, and “The Adventure of the Push-in” begins with peeping into the hole. The feeling is common all over the world, and the rabbit hole is a key symbol in Alice in Wonderland. In addition, the act of peeping makes us experience “seeing” in an unusual and intense way: it is dependent on the position of the hole, and we must change our usual posture in order to gain a vantage point – the only vantage point. No matter how many people you are with, you’re alone when you’re looking through a peephole. A peephole is a place where you can be isolated from the rest of the world and experience some various fantasy worlds. The very shape and size of peepholes also plays an important role. It cuts out a view and frames and spotlights the art inside.

We have put tour sets for sale in two places in Tsuyazaki: Nekoru Hyakkaten Café and Akebono. The tour set contains stories written on the theme of peepholes. You can use the map to look for peepholes. While looking for the art hidden behind the holes, you can read the story that is linked to the visual art.

The visual artists and authors are different people who inspired each other and reacted to each other’s work.

Now soliciting short stories or poems on the theme of “Peepholes”, “holes” or “peeping”.
●Application Guidelines
Open to professional artists and amateurs as well. You are not required to live in Tsuyazaki. If you support this project and Tsuyazaki, you are welcome to apply! Everyone from small children to the elderly is welcome.
Theme: Please write on the theme of “Peepholes”, “holes” or “peeping”.
Genre: anything (haiku and poetry are also possible)
Approximate number of words: Up to 4 pages in the format that we provide (shorter is not a problem).
Application deadline: We are recruiting from time to time.
Application form: It is best if you can send us an electronic text, but if you cannot and can only send a physically written copy, please contact us to discuss how to proceed. Please apply from the contact page with your name, contact information, and a brief self-introduction. Any work we accept will also be posted on this site.
Participation Fee: To ensure the event’s continuity and improvement, we kindly ask for a participation fee of 5,000 yen, which includes material costs and other expenses.
Where to apply: Please click here.
◎ Visual artists may take inspiration from your story and paint or sculpt.
◎ It may be published in printed materials and media such as pamphlets and booklets, or electronically.
* Religious, political, cruel, and obscene items are not accepted.